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SiLibeads® Glass Beads

have proven themselves in a wide variety of applications, e.g. mixing pharmaceutical products, filtering water or to protecting spirits bottles from contamination

Type S

Polished glass beads Type S as grinding bead, dispersing ball, filling bead, reflex bead, blasting glass ball

The glass beads made of soda-lime glass in the size range between 0.05 and 5 mm are produced in special thermal forming processes. The production process of glass beads differs from conventional melting processes due to the extremely low energy consumption.

Field of application

Grinding and dispersing beads
Due to their properties, SiLibeads Type S glass beads are ideally suited as grinding and dispersing beads in horizontal and vertical agitator bead mills for wet grinding of dyes, pigments, ink, agrochemicals, minerals, fillers for chemicals, paper and plastics. Particle sizes of less than 10 microns can be achieved easily. The low wear on the agitator disc and machine lining enables extremely economical use of SiLibeads glass beads type S.

Filling Beads
SiLibeads Type S are used as fillers in the chemical, paper and plastics industries. The filling beads increase the physical properties in thermoplastics and thermosets.

Reflex glass beads
Glass beads play a decisive role in road safety. Retroreflection causes the vehicle’s headlight to be reflected back to the driver, causing the road markings to “shine”.

Blasting glass beads
SiLibeads type S are used for mechanical surface treatment (bead blasting) of various materials such as wood, metal or plastic.

The cost-benefit ratio is unsurpassed.

Quality attributes

  • Wide range of sizes in the range d = 0.25 – 6.00 mm
  • High proportion of beads in the nominal size range
  • High roundness of the beads dMIN / dMAX ≥ 0.95 (also higher on customer request)
  • Clean and polished surfaces
  • High retroreflectivity
  • Low process residues and other impurities
  • Wide range of different size fractions (customer-specific special sieving possible)