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SiLiglam PURE Cosmetic Glitter Type I

individual colour wishes do not remain open here, almost everything is possible due to the patented dyeing process

SiLiglam PURE Cosmetic Glitter Type I

This rainbow glitter has particularly delicate iridescent effects and provides the highest degree of gloss.

Field of application

The areas of application of SiLiglam in cosmetic formulations are almost unlimited. The innovative manufacturing process provides a variety of degrees of freedom with regard to the combination of substrates and color pigments. This makes it possible to produce tailor-made glitter for a large number of demanding applications.

When selecting the raw materials for the various SiLiglam types, special attention is paid to obtaining the broadest possible approval for a large number of cosmetic applications. Thus, the SiLiglam types are suitable for various cosmetic formulations such as nail polishes, eye shadow powders, eye shadow gel, eye liner, eye liner pencils, mascara, lipsticks, lip balm, lip gloss, powdery or liquid make-up formulations.

The products of the SiLiglam series feature excellent durability and resistance in all common cosmetic formulations. SiLiglam shows outstanding durability even in solvent-based nail polishes.

We can provide you with the required colour numbers and INCIs for the special cosmetic glitter, and will be happy to give you technical information and processing instructions. Our information comes from first hand, regular contact and exchange of experience with the producers enable competent advice. We would be pleased to welcome you to our Warmensteinach site and offer you new processing and application possibilities based on product samples.