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Grind gage

The grind gage is used for the determination of the fineness of grain and large particles or agglomerates in a dispersion

In addition to our extensive range of stirring, dispersing and milling accessories, we produce varying designs on request.
Our experienced engineers are glad to advise you accordingly.

Teflon single milling impeller
Grind gage Pulling-off surface Range
Grind gage 25 50 x 130 mm 0 - 25 µ (Micro)
Grind gage 50 50 x 130 mm 0 - 50 µ (Micro)
Grind gage 100 50 x 130 mm 0 - 100 µ (Micro)

During the dispersion process solids of a coating material are pulverized into smaller particles. The dispersion grade has an effect on the physical and optical characteristics of the coating. The grind gage is used for the determination of the fineness of grain and large particles or agglomerates in a dispersion. It does not define the real grain size or grain distribution. Grind gages are used for quality inspection in a production, storage and application of dispersions in the varnish, pigment, printing ink, paper, ceramic, pharma, food and many other industries.

The grind gage is a flat steel standard with one or two flat, wedge-shaped grooves in the surface. These grooves run from a maximum depth on one end of the grind gage consistendly up to the zero point on the other end of the steel standard.

0 Hegmann = 100 µm grain size
4 Hegmann = 50 µm grain size
8 Hegmann = 0 µm grain size

The first test of the fineness of grain is generally made by using a grind gage. During the dispersion process a sample is taken and stripped with the blade. The exact fineness of grain is fixed depending on the product by different methods.